Hasen Banu: A Dreamer

story 13Women Chapter: I am Hasen Banu and I live in the village named Anandipur, which is under no: 5 Sitra Union of Mymensing Sadar Upazila. I am a farmer and today my success story is renowned for my tremendous hard work. I am 41 now and I have 3 sons and 1 daughter.

I lost my father when I was only 40 days infant and after that I was raised up in my brother’s family. Since my childhood, I used to help my brother in agricultural works because of poverty. At the age of 15 I got married to a landless farmer named Mokles Ali. Again, after marriage I and my husband started to live in my brother’s household and worked together in agriculture. I and my husband started to save some money.

After some years, we bought 10 decimal agricultural land with our small savings. We produced different types of vegetables, like eggplant, potato etc. We got benefited by selling our crops and with that money we built our own home and acquired 15 decimal lands also.

My husband always supported me in agricultural work that is why I did not face any challenges. I collect and stock seeds of eggplant, okra etc. along with other growing crops.

My story doesn’t stop here. I grew crops in my 25 decimal lands and with my earned money I bought two cows and an ox.

Now I am a leader of a Farmer Group of 30 female farmers. And I have got subsidy on fertilizer from the government for being involved “Agricultural Right Program” of an NGO named ‘Development Wheel’. Along with this, me and my team received training and exhibition plot on mushroom growing from Horticulture center.

After selling my cows, ox and grown crops I managed to saved BDT 30,000/- in amount and with this money I bought a shop and started my own business. My husband and children help me in running this business.

Now we have 45 decimal land and I have 10 decimal land by my own name. We also work as sharecroppers and cultivate 72 decimal land. We grow rice in 50 decimal, eggplants in 22 decimal and in the rest of 11 decimal lands we made jackfruit and olive orchard.

I dream more on this success journey and I hope that my children should not go through the same hardship as I had to face in my life.

About success, I think that if someone has passion, patience and interest to become successful then he/she might be successful in the life ahead.



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